The Intel i7-4790 processor is a fourth-generation quad-core CPU released in 2014 as part of Intel's Haswell line of processors. It has a base clock speed of 3.6 GHz, a turbo boost frequency of up to 4 GHz, and supports up to 32 GB of DDR3 RAM. It has a thermal design power (TDP) of 84 watts and uses the LGA1150 socket. The i7-4790 is known for its strong performance in both single-threaded and multi-threaded applications, making it a popular choice for gaming, content creation, and other demanding tasks.
Performance: The i7-4790 has a base clock speed of 3.6 GHz and can turbo boost up to 4 GHz, making it a powerful CPU for demanding applications such as gaming and content creation.
Quad-core: The i7-4790 has four physical cores, which allow it to handle multi-tasking and multi-threaded applications with ease.
Haswell: The i7-4790 is part of Intel's fourth-generation "Haswell" line of processors, which introduced several improvements over the previous Ivy Bridge architecture, including better power efficiency and graphics performance.
LGA1150: The i7-4790 uses the LGA1150 socket, which is compatible with motherboards that support the Intel 8-series and 9-series chipsets.
DDR3 RAM: The i7-4790 supports up to 32 GB of DDR3 RAM, with a maximum memory speed of 1600 MHz.
TDP: The i7-4790 has a thermal design power (TDP) of 84 watts, which means it requires a cooling solution that can handle that level of heat dissipation.
Hyper-Threading: The i7-4790 supports Intel's Hyper-Threading technology, which allows each physical core to handle two threads simultaneously, effectively doubling the number of virtual cores available.
Integrated Graphics: The i7-4790 features Intel HD Graphics 4600, which is capable of handling basic graphics tasks and some light gaming, but is not suitable for high-end gaming or professional graphics work.
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